Deep calls to deep

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Photo by Pixabay on

It’s truly amazing the feeling I have

It is like almost nothing else

Like electricity buzzing

With a calm assurance

I breath in, I breath out

My lungs fill

I push the air out

Holding still, I wonder

My universe past, retreating

My present moment

It’s all I am sure of

I am sitting on a Lilli pad

At least that is what I imagine

The colors are filled with pigment

It is so intense it fuels my senses

Until this fog settled on me

What a feeling the mist is

Brushing my face

Smelling of honeysuckle and lilac

A soft wind moves me

A gentle rocking

I breath it all in

It feels so good

This expansiveness is new

It was never in my soul before

It feels like freedom

It feels like power

Every cell is responding

My insides are waking up

I search for a break in the fog

The trickling of the waterfall

Brings a rhythm to my thoughts

They are lining up

The fog is clearing

I find myself sitting in moss

Soft and cool beneath my legs

The sun descends on the tree tops

I watch the squirrels gather

The birds are disappearing in the bushes

The day was long

It is relinquishing its presence

To the light of the moon

Another day comes to a close

And the figures in the distant

Are all out of sight

I can scarcely remember

The sound of their voices

I breath in, I breath out

This is how you mend your soul

You let go

You allow change

You fight for your truth

You let go of many

They have let go of you

For the night falls to us all

Sleep in peace

For the sun will rise

Another day will come

But there are only so many

Try not to waste them

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The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Documentary Film maker. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to her blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way she sees it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thank You.

Tree Transformation

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Photo by Araz Yurtseven on

I was cut down and dragged away

My place in the woods no longer

My logs were carried downstream

I found myself on a conveyor belt

Saws sliced me into planks

My dust was just everywhere

My bark was stripped from me

They left a part of me behind

My stump and roots

A memorial of who I once was

Fragmented now

My parts were separated forever

Parts of me were taken away

I was nailed into others

They into me

And this continued

I was becoming something new

What is this place

They say it is going to be a home

Someone will live inside of us

I remember how awesome I felt

When the birds built their nests in me

When the squirrels ran up and down me

I even had raccoons living inside my trunk

There was a wound that healed in me

It was soon occupied by these creatures

It was so wonderful to live in the woods

Now that is gone forever

But yet so much is happening

Now I am all over the place

I have no idea where else I am

All I know is that now things are different

Time goes on, all the noise has stopped

I hear voices, they sound like children

And oh, that must be the parents too

There is laughter and lots of life

I am behind the wall

I am part of the structure that is the wall

But I can imagine

Things have changed for me

I have become what I never knew I would

And this is the way of the earth

And all that dwell within her

Life is ever shifting and changing

Much of it we have no control over

Every breath is a gift

The soul of you is YOU

The way you change

Sometimes it is out of your control

Find your new home

That place where you accept things

The way they are now

That place of serenity

That comes from accepting

What you cannot alter

And yet still there is hope

Transformation is painful

But when it comes

Something new is made out of you


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Photo by Chris G on

The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Documentary Film maker. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to her blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way she sees it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thank You.

Flower Girl

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Photo by Jill Wellington on

She slips the sandals off her feet

Her sundress is dirty

She has flowers in her hair

I’m watching as her feet touch the grass

The delight of this grounding is evident

I hear her humming

She starts to swirl and spin

Dancing towards the wildflower patch

Picking flowers and holding them in her hand

She is talking now, to herself

“Excuse me, Yaya, I have a surprise”

She tells stories of adventures and ideas

She is building a fantasy

The way children should be free to do

“Guess what I did Yaya, I climbed that tree

You know the one I was afraid of before”

She then spins a tale of bravery

Of rescuing a baby fox

How she and her brothers

Have built a fort

She can’t wait till her Yaya comes and sees

“Where have you been Yaya” she says

Then she sits down on the ground

Somehow her thoughts have gotten heavy

She wonders in silence

She lays down and watches the clouds go by

Her hands weave the ivy around the stems

She asks the wind where has her Yaya gone

“Did I do something wrong

Mommy seems sad, Its different now

Why didn’t we come see you for Christmas

No one will tell me why

Why didn’t you come to my brothers birthday party

Are you mad at us Yaya

I don’t know how to feel about you now Yaya

I can’t remember what you look like

Please come back and make everything better”

Then her tears come and I watch her shake

She collects herself and her flowers

Starts back home

Puts on her sandals

No more humming

I watch this sad little one

Carry the weight of the world upon her shoulders

She’s too young to carry such a load

Things have changed

The world isn’t safe and she knows it

She fades out of my sight

I long to run to her

I long to wrap my arms around her

Around them all

But I can only imagine them

From where I stand

Never has a time like this existed in history

Where the tribe is broken so easily

But I do believe in miracles

For all those who are crushed

Under the weight of brokenness

Try harder, change for the better

Keep your arms open wide

Maybe someday soon

There will be a flower crown

Placed upon your head

By little hands

Made with love and hope

‘Be the change you want to see’

And the universe will back you up


Little hands, I’m looking for you too!! I love you all with all my heart!

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The Portal

Dancing in the moonlight - The Portal
Dancing in the moonlight by Sarah Hale Folger

Certainly a door has been opened

It is opportunity knocking

A long suffering God

Said my time of education has ended

So many questions had I

Based on all of my experiences

But all that rumination had to stop

I had to step out on the strut

The wind was like a hurricane

I hung on the edge as long as I could

It’s time to jump

Or to go back in the plane

Over time decisions come quicker

Experience makes it easier

The time between the happenings

And the choice of what to do with them

Have greatly diminished for me

Time is of the essence

As shocking as the options are

I have no time to waste

So should I jump back in

Or jump off the edge again

So many lives are in the balance

Fear sounds alarms day and night

Many musings and ponderings later

I have educated myself through my memories

And I know this

There is no going back

To the way things were before

I have shifted

I have grown

Like Alice in Wonderland

Too big to go back through

The door I came through

Once I truly know I cannot go back

I jump

No looking back

There are pathways that connect us

Heaven to earth

So few find the portals that go between

It’s a process of trust

A yielding of my will

Accepting the plan

Specially made just for me

I’ve been stretched so thin

Only a membrane left between me

And the rushing water

Threatening to take me away

But I have prevailed

Each stage a beginning

Then the opening appears

The exit light blazing

I rush to the door to escape

One state of being for another

For adversity has strengthened me

I reach for the door and it opens

Welcoming me inside

It is safe in this new realm

The door is shut tight behind me

Protecting me from what lies behind me

The nurses put salve on my wounds

I am given a warm bed in front of a fireplace

I am naked and clothed in a blanket of fur

I am recharging and renewing

I shall dance in the moonlight tonight

I am still weak, but I feel strength arising within

A newfound freedom

The light in me is rising

Soon it will shine bright

And I will join the many who have come before me

And we shall bring healing and light and love

To the wounded warriors ready for release

And we shall take back our city

With all her inhabitants

And darkness will flee before us

For we are followers of the one

Who led us out of the darkness

And into the light


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Documentary Film maker. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to her blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way she sees it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thank You.

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The Storm Rages

Storm road - The Storm Rages


Nothing is the same as it was

It’s like a bad car accident

After which, can you walk

Can you even dream to run

Your mind blows

How do you understand 

The drama plays out

No one can direct this play

It comes when it will

It won’t go when you want

Everybody thinks

Some thoughts stay

And some thoughts go 

Collective energy builds like a storm

Ready to unleash its blows

The forecast is doom

The gloom blocks the sun

Where do the birds go to hide

Taking flight could be suicide 

Words like bullets fly

Hitting their intended marks

There is no love in these words

Only scathing accusations

Fear and gossip have prevailed

Ignorance and slander

Fueled by those I love

It’s been building up for years

There is no debate

No back and forth

There is no evidence

Only wild conspiracies

The energy is violent

The silent treatment is applied

Like a witch doctor to force my hand

The heart must be protected from this assault

For immaturity is to blame

And fear is in the blood

So brace yourself 

Cause like an unwanted guest 

Here she comes 


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Photo by Francesco Ungaro on



With a storm, there is always destruction

The winds control the sky and air

The rains pelt the surface of the earth

We are blinded by the commotion

Unable to focus on anything but


All the hackles and nerves raised and shot

But now that the storm has passed

And the shadows of discontent have dissipated

Breathing is easier

The smell of the wet ground permeates

Our senses take in the aftermath

I should have done this

And maybe if I said that are now passed

And in this moment the truth is present

The lessons continue

And the humility is accepted

Time to build and rebuild

Focus is the key to success

As one navigates through the aftermath

Naked we come into this world

And naked we leave

It is the time between that matters

To build a tribe that will outlast us all

And bring the truth to those we will never meet

That love is all that matters


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Documentary Film maker. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to her blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way she sees it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thank You.

Accidental Pond Lesson

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I have sunk to the bottom of the pond

There is only sediment there

Sludge from past storms

Decaying plant matter

Leaves that once were on trees soaking in the light

Their time to soak in the sun and dance in the wind long over

Now gunk mingled with more dead things

Whose time has passed

There is no oxygen here

At the bottom of the pond

My body settles on this decaying matter

Slowly blinking I see little glimmers of sun

Dancing on the surface

Kind of reminds me of a tap dance

There must be a breeze

Breaking the stillness of the water

I wonder how long I can hold my breathe down here

I feel my lungs banging at my chest

But strangely the fear and anger that led me here

No longer exist

It’s very existential

Grounded here in this human existence

A crisis of want

The want of meaning for life

This car crash sent me flying through the air

Into this pond

Where I now dwell for whatever moments are left

It’s funny, I’m such a fighter

At least I was

Now in this time I know

It would have been better for me

To be deaf, blind and mute

Perhaps then I would have

Heard, seen and spoken

A language that people could understand

Ah well, can’t hold out forever

I gasp and inhale this toxic sludge

It’s not so bad

It won’t be long now

I will soon join the sludge

And its ok, if this is my destiny

For when you find yourself in a place like this

You know you have no power

You must yield to fate

The darkness has come

And I accept the time has come



What’s going on

I’m heaving and choking

Emptying my stomach on the ground

I sleep, I wake up

I hear voices

I am being carried away

Blankets are on me

I hear voices and see faces

Concerned they are talking to me

I’m in shock


Many days have passed since that accident

I am clean and in a warm bed

People are helping me

IV’s are feeding me

Doctors are checking on me

Nurses are comforting me

I sleep more


Today I woke up and wondered

I asked what happened

They said I was driving on the wrong side of the road

I try to remember

I do remember

Oh My God, I see me crying

I was yelling and hurt and hopeless

I’d lost my way and felt too much pain

I wasn’t paying attention because I did not care

What was there left to live for

That is what I felt

I can’t remember anything after that except

Falling through the water

I remember the soft cold sludge

I remember I couldn’t move

I think I was caught under something


How did you find me, I asked

The nurses looked at each other

Then one of them leaned in close and said

It was a miracle really

People were gathered around the pond

You were seen flying through the air

You landed in the middle of the pond


Oh my God, how did I let this happen


The truck driver who was abnormally tall and strong

Moved at an incredible speed into that pond

Actually, this is going to be hard to comprehend

He walked on the water, knelt down

Then reached his strong arm down

He lifted you up out of the water

Walked across the water

Just as the ambulance was arriving

He handed you over

There was so much commotion that no-one saw where he went

He just disappeared

So did the truck

Without a trace


I was hurt, so hurt

I foolishly gave into deep anger and fear

I lost my way

But I’ve been given a second chance

The chance to life in forgiveness

In knowledge and understanding

The purpose of life is to love and be loved

And that’s what I’m going to do


Sunrise in Wickford 1 - Accidental Pond Lesson

The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Documentary Film maker. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to her blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way she sees it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thank You.

Waiting to be born

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Painting by Sarah Hale Folger

Sleeping on the edge of the world

There is no time here

Floating in a trance

She is wrapped in a cocoon

When she awakes she will evolve

But now, in this slumber

She is waiting to be born

There are watchman over her soul

Creatures of the other world

Sent to watch over her

Singing songs of inspiration

“She will fly, by and by

Her wings will carry her far!”

For she fell asleep in her weakness

Fainting from despair

The world had turned its back on her

She couldn’t rise above

Now here in this cosmic space

Her soul is renewing

Her mind is healing

Do not awaken her until her time has come

Here on the edge of the world

Waiting to be born again


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The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Documentary Film maker. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to her blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way she sees it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thank You.

Coming Into Yourself

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Something in the way

The world around me has shifted

There is a reckoning in my mind

A calculation of time passed and time yet to come

It’s flying by, swirling all around me

I am the summation of my experiences

I am the projection of my energies

Looking out the window of my conscience

I know that every moment coming counts

Waste not, want not

Time has been squandered far too much

Staying here, in this moment

I can feel the passion I have for my loved ones

That love fuels me to press on and reach up

There is more, so much more

And I want to follow the trail that leads me to it

Ambition to expand and contract

Thoughts heat up, thoughts cool down

All creation begins with thought

If you pay too much attention

The thoughts of others will act as a firehose

Washing away your own

Leaving you empty and lost

We are creators

We expand our horizons when we take risks

We contract our worlds when we live in fear

Maximize and minimize

Until the confidence comes

When your curiosity of others opinions

Replaces your fears of their thoughts

When you know your own mind

All things come into focus

Take that shot

The one where you can see all the detail

The one taken by your minds eye

When it uses a macro lens

All the details become clear

The blur is gone

Time is really the driver

It can heal and it can take away

So grab ahold of the toggles

Steer your parachute

Think about where you want to land

Jump, aim yourself , fly

Soar weightlessly through the sky

Enjoy the ride

Just make sure you

Land on your feet


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The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Documentary Film maker. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to her blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way she sees it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thank You.

Happy Birthday Barney…

After the storm

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Photo by Roberto Lee Cortes on

The winds are violent

Shifting the desert sand

Transforming the landscape

Erasing the footprints and pathways

A totally new landscape appears after the storm

The valleys and hills have shifted

What once was low is high

The hills brought low by force

Direction is now impossible to discern

Only the sun can reveal

Like a hurricane which has removed the landscape

Leaving souls homeless

So does the desert wind

Everything built dismantled

Standing in the aftermath of destruction

The sun rises and sets on the lost souls

Empty and ready for deliverance

A future not expected now must be imagined

Fear having struck the survivors

They await deliverance from an external source

But it must come from within this time

Many sunrises and sunsets come and go

Still the emptiness of grief and longing

Grip the hearts of those devastated

The dark night of the soul turns to weeks

And deep inside a silence ensues

It has been doing its work

All shred of the past has disappeared

Now a fresh slate has been created

Like a canvas ready for the artist it waits

Until the survivors embrace the newness

Until their minds open up

Like a flower ready to receive the dewdrops

The mind must accept and open

Life is a precarious thing

Once the grip of the memories pass

And the expectation of the future appears

The soul receives great vision

Things which otherwise could not be seen

It is a gift to walk so closely with destruction

Bowled over by her power

One can now see the benefits of such tearing down

A fresh start, a new day appears

One such soul waits for the sun to rise over the horizon

With new expectations

With new hope

What will this sunrise reveal

Here it comes

Standing on the top of a rock

Overlooking the sea

This is the spot she came to

A long journey has brought her here

She walked the long road

She climbed high on this hill

Made of rock she stood upon solid rock

And the power of it resonated in her

Giving her strength

And there it came

The rising of the fire

The sun rose straight into her heart

The artist took the brush

Filled with the colors of life

She reached for the canvas

This new composition

This new life

Is ready to be born


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Documentary Film maker. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to her blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way she sees it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thank You.

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Endurace Pushes

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Endurance pushes

Like a willful child

Through the wanting and the wailing

Through the “Nos” and the “Maybe’s”

Past the tears and the “Why’s”

Through the silence and the suffering,

The sobs and the hiccupping


Time passes, days and weeks and months and years

The wanting stays but mostly sleeps like an adolescent with a fever

Still sometimes rousing, but groggy and quiet


Endurance awakes when the shadows of discontent pass

Stretching and breathing and standing and walking

Until the door finally opens and the want that once was is no longer a craving

But a gift to be given which once was held back

And now having been received is once again, given away.


*A poem I wrote in the early 80’s in response to reading my brother Jeremy’s book of poems..

It’s good to remember what should never be forgotten.

I salute my memories and those I have created them with…


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Documentary Film maker. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to her blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way she sees it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thank You.

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My muse and friend, the owl.

Wild Thing

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You were born with a fire in your spirit

Like a wild fire that needed to be tamed

You cannot explain it, you cannot contain it

So you run like the wind

Wherever you feel it you go

The excitement of the chase fills the void

But it never satisfies your longing

Your world has crashed down around you

And you have been building a wall

It’s not safe anymore

Everyone seems to have morphed

Right before your wide eyes open

A nightmare came to pass

Not one but a series

Brick by brick you are building a fortress

Deeper and deeper you dig your holes

All that energy has to come out somehow

Its hard to trust and to remember

The way things were before

When the ground beneath your feet was solid

Not shifting sands of disappointment

The cynic is forming

Growing like a weed in an unattended garden

It’s hard to keep an eye on things

When you are always running away

You feel betrayed and disillusioned

Must stay in control of the voices in your head

The voices of ones you once knew and trusted

Are painful when they express ignornace

Can anyone see you

You turn to strangers to find meaning

Wisdom and safety

But its a wild world, Wild Thing

There are bits and pieces of truth

Locked in words around the world

Revealed in experiences, which you have had many

But some are born to be powerful

That power, to be effective, must be controlled

Lest it burn down the house

Clarity is all you need

To see love and kindness

And to offer forgiveness

Remember all those times of laughter and love

Your tribe adores you

Come home

See the lion lay down with the lamb


missing piece - Wild Thing

The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Documentary Film maker. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to her blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way she sees it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thank You.

Sarah Hale Folger.owl .2 912x1024 - Wild Thing
My muse and friend, the owl.