Leave the Circus outside the Circle

realistic round light fire flame ring 52683 30571 - Leave the Circus outside the Circle

With every passing decade I learn

I grow from the experiences

Hardship or Triumph

Makes no difference

They both produce fruit

Because I am watching

Observing the actions and responses

Feeling my soul deep inside

How else to measure the growth

But to look into others eyes

Hear their words

Or lack of them

Do they turn to me

Or fall away

Was it me

Or was it them

The question ensues

Does it matter

Do they matter

To my happiness

To my sense of self worth

Years come and go

Don’t want the insanity

Of doing the same thing

Expecting different results

Every time my eyes see something new

I am growing

Epiphanies, and A-ha moments

Make me want to let go of things sooner

When they hold me back

Gripping onto past beliefs

Causes rigor mortis

The soul becomes stiff and totally unpliable

This I fear the most

I see it among those I have loved

Must not carry the dead weight

Do all you can to resurrect

To keep alive and well

But if you fail you must leave behind

Those who will not grow

And do not want you to either

Keep safe in a quarantine

Those you treasure

Who see you and reciprocate the love

The reason to live

And to strive for more

Bring them in close

But let them be free to fly whenever they must

For they are as you are

Singular snowflakes

The fingerprints of God

Cannot control or manage

Create the circle

Around your tribe

Keep it secret, keep it safe

Let the circus go by

Don’t let them in

Don’t infect the purity

Where one for all and all for one

Is not polluted by thieves

Masquerading as angels of light

They cannot see

Nor do they understand

What you have is beyond what they can see

So do not fear, but do not draw near

To those fascinating performers

Go to the circus to be inspired

But don’t bring it home

Keep your circle safe


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

sarah hale folger eagle pose - Leave the Circus outside the Circle

Anticipation is Making me Wait

pexels photo 733881 - Anticipation is Making me Wait

Mother Nature takes her own sweet time

Plan what you will

Expect what you want

But there is no denying who’s in charge

All creation cries out

So the story goes

And so it is

The magnificent event

Is a common one

But there is nothing ordinary

About snowflakes

And fingerprints

What a mystery

What a miracle

Each and every one

None commonplace

Each an opportunity

To change the world

As we know it

From invisible

To physical

We are transformed

By new birth

By the shift

The universe

Turns it’s eye on us

And gives the gift of life

For a time

Embrace the wonder

And the chance

To right the wrongs

And build kingdoms

That will endure

None so significant

As the bond between

Family and those we adopt

To expand and contract

To push through

The tunnel so tight

So hard to maneuver

Will not remember the journey

From womb to air

Screams of pain

From Mother to child

Everything will change

Break out the champagne

Light the cigars

It’s going to be a celebration

A toast to the joy

That is in my soul

After the anguish

Comes the peace

And the welcome

Of angels and men

Oh what a magnificent

Mysterious thing

To be a woman

Who bears a child

Who will become

A bridge

Between those

On separate sides

Push and breathe

Bear down

To bring to the world

The gift of life

As I wait

The anticipation

Is stirring my soul

from mother to daughter

She a mother

Making the world

Brick by brick

I am blessed among women

As I wait in wonder

For this special delivery


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

Wonderland Awaits


old tree wallpaper high resolution digital photos widescreen - Wonderland Awaits

I stand back and am amazed

By things I do not understand

Those who have tread upon paths I have not

Who learned lessons I do not know or understand

I am willing to see

Albeit sometimes It makes me faint

I do not know if I can catch up

You know so much

I am so far behind

But I grasp with my heart

Bypassing my mind

Cannot control what I do not understand

But open I remain

Knowing I want to know more

Aware of my deficiencies

Wanting so much more out of life

Like a magic bean planted at night

Growing up and through the clouds

I want to climb that vine

I am curious and hungry

There is a world out there

Filled with mystery and wonder

Don’t want to get tangled up

In a mess of my own making

Time is of the essence

When youth has passed you by

Must make quicker choices

To alter the course of each decision

Life has a way

Of setting the stage

Just walk on out on it

Or sit in the audience

The choice is ours

Don’t hesitate too long

Wonderland awaits


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

sarah hale folger jp downtown 2 - Wonderland Awaits






Us and Them?

different - Us and Them?

Us and Them

Truly words to make you stop

Think about the meaning

Shall we stay here in the USA

Or is the world the platform

To try to understand the dilemma

We battle and set to war

Everyday a quagmire

Each to their own understanding

So sad but so true

We cannot control the perceptions

Nor the responses to

Differentials between us

Some say

Lets talk this through

Their faith or their egos ensue

To try to persuade

But this is delusion

I cannot move you

You may sway me, perhaps

But I am a seeker

Not like others

Who are set in ways

That need to be deconstructed

But that may not happen

My youth is gone

I am no longer an idealist

As far as believing that

I may train you to understand

All I can do is live it out

If possible without words

The truth about Love

About P E A C E

About the traits that unite

Rather than divide

So hard to accomplish

But I will not waver

My path only gets stronger

To see clearer

To love deeper than my own wants

I learned to forgive

It shall continue

But in truth

Must let go of

Those who will never catch up

They held me like a kite

But I cut myself free

From so many

Without malice

But just so I could learn to fly

With abandonment

I know a language I cannot speak

But am fluent in

It is spoken from my heart

To anyone who can hear it

And if you do not have

Ears to hear

Then you will fade away

But to those who understand

We know what we see

We bypass anger

In its place we wait

To hear the voice

Who calls to us

Speaks of timelessness

And eternity

Of ways not known to others

It is the common denominator

That drives us

No longer the fight

Or the differences that divide us

Must help, must inspire

Must unleash the power

To do good

And not evil

Come to the table

It is set

Dine with Us

And let there be no more Them

Might be a dreamer

But it is the road set before me


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

image - Us and Them?












In the Still of the Morning

img 7369 - In the Still of the Morning

Ideas awaken the mind

Creativity flows in the wee hours

Most are sleeping

I’m awake

Connecting dots

Between past and future

I am the gateway

Here in this present moment

I decide what to leave in

What should be shed like a skin

Past is gone but it teaches

Future can be wildly exciting

If only I choose right

Which way to go

Before the sunrises to meet me

I will dream with no ceiling

No one to tell me it’s not possible

The world is full of wonder

Creations of maker and minds

All things are possible

To those who believe

Who grasp at imaginations

And plant them to grow

Just till the soil

Water and protect

The sun will do the rest



The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

cropped aw thumb 402 - In the Still of the Morning

Mind Bending- Rapid Growth


5 B2B Sales Tools Your Team Needs for Rapid Growth 768x461 1 - Mind Bending- Rapid Growth

From conception to 8 years of age

The brain develops at lightning speed

We are led, as in a hypnotic trance

At the mercy of others guidance

What we feed it, will grow

Starve what you do not want to live there

What we do then and from there

Makes us who we are body and soul

The mind is the power behind the life

A treasure not to waste

Each as unique as a snowflake

Completely set apart

No wonder we can feel lost and alone

No one knows who we really are

It’s true

That’s why we need history with people

Makes us remember the times

Which developed where we came from

This is the gift of celebration

So many want to forget

The loss and pain of it

Turns our hearts from celebrating

And to ignoring the pain

But we must remember

We choose what we feed ourselves

We all see from our own vantage point

Standing on a mountaintop

An engineer, an artist and a marketer

View the sun rising over the divide

The engineer equates and produces data

The artist sees the light and hues

The marketer finds a way to capitalize

All have seen the same thing

Through different lens

Do not argue your point of view

Instead realize they all point to the same thing

Each a gift to bring together

The compilation is the full bodied truth

No one stands out as the authority

When all see only what is given to them to see

Can’t you see

That it is in coming together

That we expand our vision

Focus on the common denominator

Not on being heard

Share what you know

In a spirit of humility

Open the door for others

To find a new way

To live and not to stagnate

We must push the barriers of our thinking

Sometimes knock them down

Be careful who you let in

Who you buy into

To become transformed

You must breathe clean air

Ingest no toxins

To resist infections

Take the time to view beauty

To cleanse your thoughts

To not ruminate on the negative

But instead

Fill yourself with positivism and love

Be wise however

There are sharks and scorpions where you swim and walk

Align yourself with others who can hoist you up

Fill your cup

Make it so you overflow

From all the nature, music and art

You absorb and pour out

Grow and feed others

Find your voice, your heart

Be a warrior who does not even have to fight

Win without force

Find a way in

To expand and break away

The crust of society

Bloom and grow


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

IMG 4182 - Mind Bending- Rapid Growth

Free At Last







The Hope Of New

image - The Hope Of New

There is a time for everything under the sun

There are decades and eras

They bring with them trials

Tragedies and Triumphs

The best of times

The worst of times

The lessons learned

To only give up when the ship

Will take you down

So you must jump

Jump and the Universe will catch you

Stubbornness may serve you

Or it may drown you

Choose wisely

What will be is up to you

Every decision

However labored it may come

To you may be a blessing or a curse

Trust your gut

Build your mind

Prepare the way

To happiness and fulfillment

You are the canvas

You are the artist

It is a collaboration between

You and your Maker

And those you allow to touch you

You have the power

Now understand this

Don’t rent space in your head to

Strangers with questionable intent

Those who torment or dominate

You can kick them out

You can say no to that negative stream

Do not let polluted waters touch you

Do not wade in that water

Wade instead in the waters that cleanse

To the stream that leads to the crystal clean lake

Ride the wave

Soar into the air

Spin and fly

And when they try to catch you

Cut yourself free

They do not understand

They are afraid to lose you as their source

Of kindness, energy and love

But you need fuel too

Find those who will love you

Find those who GET YOU

Find those for whom

Everyday is an adventure

Who will open doors for you and you for them

Into the magical world of mystery

People forget

They forget to remember

To believe as a child

To see beauty and excitement

So many in prison

You used to break them free

At your own expense

Now set yourself free

And inspire those you love

To do the same

Just go for it

No holding back

That’s what NEW means

Shed the old skin

Grow the new

It’s time


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

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I Can Feel It

me4 - I Can Feel It

Somehow nostalgia gripped me tonight

I remembered things best forgotten

But all those memories brought me here today

I had made a breakthrough yesterday

I realized secrets of the heart

Not clouded anymore by fear

Doubt or worry

When the heart is open

And the mind is too

It is a powerful tool for advancement

In a world that rewards

For all the wrong reasons

And sometimes for the right

I am seeking no reward

But rather I am guided by PEACE

The true guide to all that lasts

To all that conquers evil

To all that the imagination quests for

In that still place one feels itself through

And the knowledge of knowing

That every step taken

Can be felt on the soles of ones feet

In the nostrils as the fragrance of change

Inspires and draws further

The soul that will not be conquered

As it should not be before its time

Will not be because it knows

That a greater purpose is the aim

One always out of reach

But in patience

And with pursuit can overcome

All that lies ahead

There is power in knowing

And seeing with the minds eye

Trust once established becomes

The chauffeur, the companion

So, even if I remember what once I chose to forget

There must be a reason

No more worry

Just going for the ride


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

image - I Can Feel It



The Seed of Transformation

mustard tree - The Seed of Transformation

A mustard seed is the most humble of all

So small, so unassuming

It does not know that its destiny is to be GREAT and TALL

When it fell to the ground it worried

Many birds came and ate many seeds

But this little seed had a destiny

It was trampled upon

Dirt covered it

Darkness consumed it

It wondered whether

It would have been better to have been

Eaten by the birds

Long it sat in darkness wondering

And learning patience by waiting


Little lost orphan

Abandoned to the wild west

Strong from survival

Sleep was hard to find

When you always had to watch your back

And your front

It was tiring to look both ways while stealthily walking

Sometimes running and climbing

To get out of harms way

Many fights and accidents

There was no north star in view

There were others on the path

Somehow they fell off to one side

Or another

Following their own call

There was such a famine of kindness

It came in spurts

Friends for a season

Separated by force

More danger to come

The orphans heart was searching for home

So hard to not know where it was

“Are You My Mother?” said the baby bird

No, no, no, no

Where do I belong

But the call grew stronger

To find and not to search

But it was still out of reach

However, lest the orphan lose heart entirely

The world of black and white was shattered

By the sunrises and sunsets now appearing

This color was both fuel and fire

Another treacherous day accomplished by

Consuming the Universes’ artworks

On display for all

Seen by few

When you are full you don’t need to eat

When you are starving

You are ravenous for beauty

To color your soul

To make you powerful

To search another day


Then one day there is a crackling sound

So faint and totally unseen to the world

Done in darkness, underground

It is a sound not heard but felt

In the soul of the seed

Now waking up and realizing

Why all the darkness was necessary

There is a slow slithering sound

As a green shoot breaks the hardened shell

It winds and twists and unravels itself so quickly

As it slides through the ground and rises to meet the sun

Stretching and growing to the size of a small tree

What once was a speck on your finger

Now massive in comparison


The orphan comes to rest

Under the leaves of this mustard tree

And hears the story from the source

“I was once as small as a tiny dot” said the tree

“Who is speaking to me?” said the shocked orphan

“Trees can’t talk!”

Laughing the happy tree said

“You’ve NO idea what magical things can happen

So I will tell you

I was once so small and frightened

Thought I would be eaten by birds

Trampled underfoot was I

Covered in darkness I sat

Wondering why I should ever be here

If only to be so alone and afraid

Then just a little while ago

My mind was awakened by the mighty

Sound of my own growth

All this time I felt I was a mistake

An unhappy universal accident

But when I was growing so fast

So did my thoughts

I saw the mysteries of the Universe

They were revealed to me

So you must be as I

Since I was told that someone would sit under me

And I would be able to talk

I didn’t even know what that was

Until you came to me and sat under my giant leaves

My branches stretched out in worship

The light was transforming me so fast I felt such joy

It was stored up in me like a tornado

I heard a voice say to me

That ‘you will speak and she will hear you’

I’ve been waiting for you

Now let me tell you what the darkness meant

And about the work it did on my heart and mind

I thought I was abandoned but I was being built

The sorrow I felt was nothing in comparison

To the joy that I have now

I was dead but now I am transformed

I am alive as you can see

Now I am to tell you

You have been lost but will be found

You have been blind but you will see

Keep pressing on

You do not know where you are going

You will see when you arrive

That all along you were being led

Your sorrows will end

Your joy will come

Just as the sun rises and sets for you

Only you will be the sun rising

You will be the light for others

Just as I was just for you

Now I see those drops coming from your eyes

Notice I have caught everyone of them

See that leaf of mine

See the pool there

Look now into the water of your own tears

You will see your reflection”

And the mustard tree laughed a full bellied laugh

As the orphan stared at her own reflection

In a pool of her own tears

She gasped as she saw others’ reflections behind her laughing with the tree

She was shocked

She cried so hard and felt such deep pain

But something was different about the pain this time

This was a pain deeper and more profound

As she watched one after another come into view behind her

She turned her head to see if they were standing there

There was no one there

In her haste she bumped the leaf and it spilled all her tears to the ground

“Oh NO!” she gasped

Fear gripped her as she felt all was lost to her again

All her tears were being consumed by the ground

The tree was silent as she sadly watched the orphan grab the dirt

And weep and cry out in anguish

Curled up in a ball time passed until the tears were no more

And the silent girl gave up the fight

The tree waited and could not speak a word that wasn’t given to it

After many hours a small voice parted the girls lips

“Why, why did you show me something

I cannot see anymore

Who were those people

They looked like me somehow

I felt I knew them but we have never met

I cannot go on now without seeing them

They looked like home to me

And now I am such a klutz

And I can’t live without them, I shall die here”

The tree was silent, no words were coming to it

The tree was sad but knew now how to wait

The girl slept for 3 days under the watchful branches of the tree

One morning the sun rose so brilliantly

It woke the weary girl from her deep slumber

Slowly she sat up and leaned breathlessly against the tree

Colors flooded the sky and she gasped

Her broken heart was beating so loudly

She could hear the sound of it

She rose up and an energy rushed through her so greatly

She ran into the field as fast as she could

She was choking and gulping in air

Heaving she stopped, her body fell limp to the ground

Brilliantly the sun rose

Her chest lifted up and rays of light beamed upon it

The warmth spread through her

She heard crackling sounds

And slithering sounds

Her mind was filled with great thoughts

She saw planets and earth and sky

She saw life form from nothing to great things

She understood things without having words

Great shoots of green vines were growing through

Her heart into the ground

And up to the sky

Reaching for the sun

She was becoming a great and powerful tree

So great and rapid was her growth

That the mightiness of her

Was seen for miles and miles

Then it stopped…

The sun was in the sky, the colors gone

They were her DNA, trapped in her cells

She waited and watched only hearing

The sound of the wind through her branches

Swaying in the breeze

PEACE spread through her core

Many sunrises and sunsets came and went

As she listened to the words of generations

Spoken only to her heart

She never slept, she did not need to sleep

She grew in understanding of all she was

Why was immaterial

She had no more questions

But she had answers

She could not understand how she knew

But she did

She waited in peace

It did not matter what for

Until one day they came

From the north, south

East and West

Owls of every kind lit in her branches

She was filled with them

Each one left her with a story

She listened with her heart and said nothing

After its story was through the owl would leave

One by one

Until they were all gone

And the sun set

The tree fell asleep in the dark

When the sun rose in the morning

The girl found herself lying in a meadow of tall grasses on a bed of moss

She rose to find herself a woman

No longer a child

No longer a tree

And she saw a path that stretched out before her

Now she set her foot to it

Not alone as she once thought

But surrounded by a pool of her ancestors

Guided by a heart and soul fueled by love

By understanding

That she did not need to know why anymore

She just knew


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

me8 - The Seed of Transformation

All Creatures GREAT and small

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I don’t care where you are in the food chain

Or on the social plane

From mole to elephant

From shark to sloth

There lies one truth

All desire to live free

All want to feel safe

The hierarchy of needs must be met

In order to reach the highest level

Of pure, unadulterated creativity

One’s true self uncovered

By shedding survival mode

By focusing ones attention

On that just out of reach concept

Meditating on the potential

The thought that started it off

That merged with the gut instinct

Wanting desperately to reach the pinnacle

Where it all comes together

Where the excess is shed

The fluff not needed

The purest form of thought

Of creativity not distracted by angst

Where the reason for existence

Comes into view

It takes training few will attempt

Much too easy to be complacent

How many will find their destiny

How many will leave while it is dark

To forage and find

The soul cries for renewal

It is silenced by addictions

Walls are constructed

To silence the call

Weapons are developed

To silence the prophets

Who will hear the call

Who will wake up when the night comes

Who will rise and dress

In wardrobes which define

The will of the souls intent

Held back by those who sleep

When they should wake up before the night comes

Work to find the meaning while it is day

For the light is a gift to see

The routines are set

The pace is insane

The world it whizzes by

But things will not stay the same

They will change on a dime

Leave us all strewn and trapped

We are naive and divided

As families, friends and nations

The media paints our minds

We speak no longer from the source

Time to search the heart

We are not all the same yet we are all equal

Time to find what we came here for

Set our eyes upward

Focus on what is important

Before the night comes


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

Sarah Hale Folger.owl .2 - All Creatures GREAT and small

My muse and friend, the owl.






The missing piece

missing piece - The missing piece

You know you’ve had a gap

A limp a lisp

A deficit

Before you know it

It seems just by chance

You brush up against

A piece you did not expect

It takes a while to realize

Your walk is smoother

Your speech is clearer

Everything seems easier

What is here now

You’ve never had before

Amazing to find

You rolled right onto it

That piece you did not have

Now everything moves faster

Everything is easier

So now its time

To rock and roll

There’s so much to see

Adventures await

Come on Boots

Start walking!


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

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Girl on a path

A Song and a Prayer for My Family


IMG 4182 - A Song and a Prayer for My Family

Inspired by Sarah Hale Folger



-“Prayer for My Family”


It’s been the biggest part of me

The longing for home

Home is where my people are

For many years I was separated

Holidays were heartbreaking

Life was incomplete without them

God blessed me with my own

Three amazing daughters

Who have multiplied

My fifth grandchild is on the way

Four boys and a girl

I came from that equation

The only daughter

Four brothers

What a childhood I had

Like no other

Raised in a zoo of sorts

The animal kingdom

Was more comfortable for me

Than the world of humans

But now I feel the joy of knowing

Life gives you lemons

Make lemonade

And I am grateful

With All My Heart

For each and every one

Of my family and friends

Who have enriched my life

In hard times and in good

And now for the gift of

The protector of my heart

My Johnny I

My prayer is for peace and joy

For health and happiness

For more times together

For we are greater together

Than apart, way too much of that

May we find what we look for

And may the laughter increase


This song above I wrote many years ago when I had 2 toddlers and someone gave me a piano for a month, then took it back. LOL! One day this song, which never comes out the same way twice came to me. My heart was reaching out in a prayer as I played – reaching towards home.. back to the State I came from. I missed them so much, but this song gave me hope. This song was recently chosen to be in the upcoming film 25 The Documentary of Tony Conigliaro, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. I recorded it in one take, it is not perfect, just like me. But I give it to you if your heart needs a song today and a prayer may it give you peace and hope and comfort if you are waiting for a miracle.


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

image - A Song and a Prayer for My Family