Here I am again, I’ve been traveling down this road for so long now, and once again another fork in the road.

What is this life other than a labyrinth that we must travel, at the end of which we leave this world.

I stand still in the middle of a quiet road and simply observe the roads that split off and wonder where each of them might lead to, and which one would be the best choice for me.

All in all, I have come to learn that there really is no wrong answer, there are simply better choices than others to make. Now I have only to step where my intuition is leading me so that I can maximize my energy and make something magical happen in my life. Yes, I want a magical mystery tour. I want to leave the mundane and predictable behind for good and walk right into a new realm.

So what is my heart saying? This is all I am listening for, some sort of cosmic answer is there if I can only hear it. I turn my face to the sky and slowly turn and look at the great blue expanse with the streams of thin clouds slowly moving by. An impulse rises up in me and I know that I will choose the road this time with the wind at my back. I have been traveling for so long against the wind by choice, now it is time to have the assistance of the wind as a friend, to make my steps lighter. I turn left and start to walk down a road that I have never seen before, that I have no idea where it will end up or even if it will lead to where I want to be. All I know is, I will see what I am looking for, I will focus on finding what my heart wants which will reveal itself to me in stages. This is very peaceful and I can already feel it.

Girl on a path 1821220941 1533477616482 - The fork in the road.

Girl on a path

The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog!!! Thanks!!

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cropped Sarah Hale Folger Insta5 - The fork in the road.

2 Comments on “The fork in the road.

  1. Hello !! S.H.F. hello brightsky my new freind .Sunshine Sarah . Visions blissfully floating my way, under gray sky feel the warmth soothing notes from Sarah Hale Folger.

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