pexels photo 3772771 - The Struggle For Peace

It’s an uphill battle

Trying to build the bridge

Between our thoughts

You see it your way

I see it mine

But it’s all about taking a walk

Come over here

I’ll come over there

Want to see what you see

From where you stand

Will you please take a look

From where I sit

Beliefs are built on experience

Please let’s not hold on so tight

Perceptions can be a problem

When they cannot align

If only people realized

The full picture

Wise is the one that waits

Watching and listening

Mostly with the gut

When you truly want peace

You work overtime

Managing the words

Before they ever leave your mouth

And the actions before you take them

I’m in amazement to observe

What people say and do

It’s a cluster of barbed wire

I shall fly above it and get a better view

It’s up here I decide

The landscape has changed

Destroyed by violence

Of both words and deeds

Fueled by fires lit by sources hidden

Tapping into pain and anger

Fueled by borrowed branches

Of trees long torn down

My heart sinks as I shield the eyes

Of our children frightened and confused

Give us life again

Give us love

Give us all

The pursuit of happiness

Nothing good ever came from wars

Between us and them

I toss a towel

Thrown in to say

Please let’s stop

Let’s find better ways

To right the wrongs

And create new paths

That lead us to PEACE


The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.TheArtUniverse.comSarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Artist, Singer and Educator. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and please, subscribe to my blog. Thanks You.

pexels photo 1535288 - The Struggle For Peace

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on





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