Katrina wedding gown - My Guest writer, Katrina my daughter, on turning 30!

I just want to preface this guest blog written by Katrina who is my middle daughter, by saying a few words about her. She is a super amazing human being.  This picture of her taken by John Pitocco Photography is from several years ago in her wedding gown.  I couldn’t resist putting it in here since I love it so much!

Katrina has done so many things in her life that blow me away, but none are more blow away than just being who she is, compassionate, beautiful inside and out, brave, an overcomer, super intelligent and loving to name a few.

She is a daughter, sister, wife, mother of two, NICU nurse at Women’s and Infants working with those precious premie babies.  She is an amazing dancer who still squeezes in teaching Zumba when she can and I cannot be more proud of the woman she has become.  Below, in her own words, she expresses her thoughts on turning 30 which I loved so much I asked her if I could share them. Enjoy!


What does 30 mean to me…

I am so happy and grateful for my life over the past 30 years. I have achieved some goals and set others. I have failed and I have succeeded. I have appreciated time spent with friends and family and given my all to my own family. I have built new friendships and preserved old ones. I have tried my best to live in the moment and fully enjoy it. I find I am completely satisfied in the “little” things like waking up to two smiling children or driving the extra mile for a perfectly brewed cup of coffee. I am and always will be passionate about exercise and will strive to push myself to new limits. I still believe the best version of me is yet to come and so I will work on it daily- physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I have made many mistakes but I have learned so much in doing so. I will always try my best to be honest, sincere, loving, and kind to others.

In 30 years I have realized how incredibly grateful I am to my parents who gave me everything they could and fostered a beautiful bond between me and my sisters. Having those two incredible women in my life keeps me grounded and keeps me feeling that I can touch the sky all at the same time. I have a soft place to land- whether I’m losing or winning. Now that I am a parent, I realize it is no easy task to raise children. Thank you Mom and Dad for your patience, guidance, teaching, and above all unconditional love.


And then I met my best friend, my teammate, my partner in crime, my soul mate. Our friendship laid the solid foundation for what became the love of my life. That love formed two beautiful children that gave me the gift of motherhood. I have experienced two miracles giving birth to my beautiful daughter and son. Having children with my husband has been my greatest accomplishment.

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I will continue to strive to live a balanced life. I will always keep my family first and will show love to my neighbor. I will treat my body as a temple so that I am able to give to others. I will do my best to stay positive through hardships and times of sadness. I will try to teach with patience and to never stop learning. I will be thankful for each day I am given as it is a gift.

Thank you to everyone who has made this day special and has been a part of my life. I’m ready for this new decade of life!- Katrina

 Thank you Katrina for letting me share you with the world!  Love you to the moon and back, and back handsprings down the street!!!! Mom
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The Sarah Hale Folger Project seeks to inspire greatness in humanity by sharing inspiring stories with the world. Please contact me here on my blog or through my website at http://www.SarahHaleFolger.com

Sarah Hale Folger is a Creative Consultant, Blogger, Artist & Singer. PLEASE make sure to subscribe to my blog today so you never miss the next thing happening in the world the way I see it! Please feel free to comment, share and subscribe to my blog!!! Thanks!!

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